PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk

About Us

Corporate Governance

The Company's sustainability strategy is built on a commitment to compliance with the highest laws, regulations and sustainability standards in the palm oil industry. The Company is also committed to preventing negative impacts and creating positive impacts from activities inside and outside the plantation. For that reason, the Company continues to strive to build public participation by providing transparent information needed by the stakeholders.

By applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”), the Company has succeeded in running its business with integrity while maintaining the trust of shareholders and stakeholders.

In addition, the implementation of GCG also aims to ensure that the Company's business growth can be achieved in a sustainable manner while maintaining the trust of shareholders and stakeholders. The implementation of GCG in the Company is carried out transparently under the supervision of the Board of Commissioners, assisted by the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.



The Company implements transparency across its operational activities in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. This principle is manifested in the periodical reporting on the Company’s business development to the government and investors. The Company also maintains information disclosure to the public regarding the benefits of the Company’s business and operations.



The Company’s accountability is also maintained through the establishment of the right organizational structure and workflow in order to support every division in implementing their responsibility more efficiently. Each division is responsible to the management, who will then formulate the business and financial reports to be examined by the Board of Commissioners and the Public Accounting Firm.



Under a good corporate governance structure, the Company ensures that operational and business activities are implemented in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and generate benefits to all stakeholders to the Company’s activities. The three principles of the good corporate governance are implemented through a structure comprising seven parts, including the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, Committees, Teams and Staff.